Post office address | 75 Glasgow Road |
Town/City | Paisley |
Postal code | PA1 3PE |
The cost of postage is determined by the speed of delivery, the dimensions and weight of the letter. If you desire extra services like overnight delivery, added insurance, tracking, or a signature upon receipt, inquire at a post office branch. For a Letter 24 x 16.5cm and 5mm thick, max weight of 100g:
Class | Price |
1st Class (next working day) | £0.95 |
2nd Class (within 3 working days) | £0.68 |
For a Letter 35.3 x 25cm and 2.5cm thick, max weight of 100g:
Max weight | Price |
1st Class (next working day) | £1.45 |
2nd Class (within 3 working days) | £1.05 |
Find the list of all the other Post Offices in Paisley by following this link.