Post office address | 1 Glassford Street, Muirhouse |
Town/City | Motherwell |
Postal code | ML1 2BE |
Phone | 0345 611 2970 |
The cost of postage is determined by the speed of delivery, the dimensions and weight of the letter. If you desire extra services like overnight delivery, added insurance, tracking, or a signature upon receipt, inquire at a post office branch. For a Letter 24 x 16.5cm and 5mm thick, max weight of 100g:
Class | Price |
1st Class (next working day) | £0.95 |
2nd Class (within 3 working days) | £0.68 |
For a Letter 35.3 x 25cm and 2.5cm thick, max weight of 100g:
Max weight | Price |
1st Class (next working day) | £1.45 |
2nd Class (within 3 working days) | £1.05 |
Yes, The Post Office is open on Saturday from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. You can get there at the times indicated.
Yes, The Post Office is open on Sunday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Not all services may be available on Sundays. However, this post office is one of the few posts to be open on Sundays.
Find the list of all the other Post Offices in Motherwell by following this link.